3800 Cedar Hills Blvd Suite 165
Beaverton, OR 97005



About Us

Our Unique Approach to Chiropractic & Wellness

Our Philosophy • You body was meant to heal its self. Your body has the ability to perform billions of metabolic activities at a time throughout the course of the day, whether you are awake or asleep. Yet, our minds can only focus on a few things at a time. When you are in pain, you can’t focus on the tings that matter most to you like decision making, family, work, and having fun; because the pain becomes the recurring center of your focus. Chiropractic has been scientifically proven to be the most therapeutically effective, most cost effective, and longest lasting form of treatment of many different types of neuromusculoskeletal causes of pain. But our goal is not achieved with mere pain relief, our goal is to work to correct the cause of your pain and strengthen your body in such a way that prevents the pain from ever recurring.

Natural Choices • Your Chiropractic care will be all natural, meaning that we focus on spinal and extremity gentle and effective adjustments (by hand mostly, nut occasionally by instrument – Impulse/Impulse iQ, and drop table). We will support your Chiropractic adjustments with balance and postural exercises (using BAPS boards, Medicordz, free weights, Swiss balls, vibration platforms, etc), deep soft tissue massage and trigger point release, PNF, specific muscle stretching on a vibration platform for maximal results, ergonomic instruction (computer, car, sleep, exercise, etc.), home exercise instruction, nutritional advice as it pertains to optimal nerve function and healing, and family wellness advice. We see the greatest long-term results with this model of care. We focus on empowering you with the knowledge to make healthier and more nutritious real food and whole food choices for yourself and your family. We focus on real world, core and whole body activities and exercises that will benefit you in real life for the rest of your life.

What We are Not • We do not use electrical or chemical modalities to shock, burn or numb your nervous system. We will not sell you a bunch of nutritional supplements that you might find at other “health” care clinics. We don’t believe that health comes from a pill, potion or lotion. Health comes from within your body. Our job is not to add more stuff to it, but to remove the nervous interference of your own innate ability to optimally heal yourself.

Our Vision • We envision the Portland metro area as being the healthiest and happiest place to live on Earth.

Our Mission Statement • Through Chiropractic we shall continue to empower our community to help achieve our mission with the help of other community members.

Our Legacy • The bounty of our legacy is in the perpetuity of the true Chiropractic philosophy, in optimal health, optimal wellness & optimal performance through natural means whenever possible. The yard stick for our success is measured in how many minds choose to focus and act toward optimal performance even before acting toward wellness & crisis care. This level of understanding and appreciation for Chiropractic comes in varying degrees of achievement: Testimonials which are nice and always appreciated. Referrals which are better than testimonials because they show your confidence and understanding in our philosophy and quality of services, & choosing to be a Chiropractor yourself. To date we have had 3 patients & interns choose to go to Chiropractic school as a result of their passion for Chiropractic being awakened by our passion for Chiropractic.

Call our Chiropractic clinic at 503-626-5761 or send us a message below to and we’ll call you as soon as possible.

Meet our Team

The Drs. Pierce are a husband and wife team of Chiropractors.

Christopher Pierce, DC - Beaverton Chiropractor

Christopher Pierce, DC

Chiropractor since 2001

Primary treating doctor

Portland and Beaverton community volunteer

Beaverton Citizens Academy graduate

Experience: exercise physiology, physical education, athletic training, fall prevention, sports concussion, and 13+ martial arts styles

Huma Qureshi-Pierce, DC Beaverton Chiropractor.

Huma Pierce, DC

Chiropractor since 2001

Primary exam doctor

Fluent in 5 languages

Portland and Beaverton community volunteer

Leadership Beaverton graduate

Beaverton Citizens Academy graduate

Emerge Oregon graduate – inaugural class

Ex-Navy translator


Chiropractic First, LLC

Best of Beaverton 2016

Best of Beaverton 2015

Beaverton 4 Business 2015

Service to Beaverton Award 2012

Business Diversity Institute, Professional Service Award 2009

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